Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 1/2 drawers done!

Yeah, I know. It's been a while and you would expect the drawers I am making to qualify for some sort of modern art award instead of just being some plywood drawers, but life happens and woodworking sometimes has to take a back seat.

Anyway, the second drawer is done and the third is read for assembly. I've measured and marked the locations for the runners and hopefully their install will go as easily as the first. I was actually pretty happy with myself when that one just slid into place on the runners. I'll finish the others tonight (if I don't get too drunk today) and put the drawer faces on this week. After that, there is just a little finish work to do (rounding edges, etc) and then I'm done with them (for now as I may build some more drawers for the little one).

My next project is going to be building a workbench and I'm pretty excited. No, it won't be a roubo built from maple and cherry. It will be a simple laminated plywood top with 2/6's for the base. But, it will be a work bench and I can't wait to start using it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

One drawer down (sorta)

First, I hate when people start blogs and then never post. It's annoying (especially when they are making tons of money with adverts!). So that I do not fall into that crowd of lowlifes, I'll tell you all about making my first drawer for my garage cabinets.

Only a few things went wrong: the router fence wandered, the dados for the bottom were too big, the bottom was too big, not exactly square, etc. But all in all, I do have the steps/process down and I should be able to make the rest of them fairly quickly.

Wish me luck.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Some ups and downs

My first box of tools arrived yesterday and when I opened it, I found not only the tools I ordered, but a set of auger bits to go with my new brace! So, I promptly went out, found a scrap piece of wood and drilled a hole in it. Man, that was nice! As you can see, I need to practice some (the edges are a little rough), but all in all, I think that's a very usable hole.

My first hole!

Then, as I was getting a little full of myself with all of my new found skills, I tried to use one of my planes; just one stroke to see what it was like. I spent 45 minutes trying to get the blade set correctly. Never did. It was either too deep or there was no throat or it was angled wrong or etc, etc. Apparently, I'm an idiot. I've bought "The Handplane Book" by Garrett Hack and while I've read a good hunk of it, I still don't know how to actually setup and use a handplane. This, of course, counts as a down part of yesterday.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No shop time

I'm having a really hard time getting into the shop right now. Something seems to get in the way every evening. Fortunately, tomorrow Tracy is taking the monster for a play date and I might be able to use my lunch break to cut the wood for some of the cabinet drawers. I doubt I'll get them all cut, but I've envisioned putting them together so many times that when I go out there, I expect to see them done!

I'm sure others go through this all the time (or maybe I'm just a weirdo).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Old post I like

Chris Schwarz over at Lost Art Press blogs these book quotes every now and then. I usually find them interesting, but this one really struck a chord with me. Take some time to check out the site (as if you would find me before him - heh!); he's an excellent writer and I hear he knows a thing or two about woodworking.

More new(ish) tools

The new vintage tool lists came out yesterday and after spending an hour or so looking through them, I ordered:
  1. A Stanley #4 type 19 smoothing plane;
  2. A Record Marples 060 1/2 block plane (low angle, adjustable mouth);
  3. A Stanley 945 10" brace;
  4. A Disston D8 rip saw.
It's going to be like Christmas all over again when they all get here!

My goal is to finish all the drawers for my garage cabinets in the next week or so and then move right on to my work bench. For this, I'm not planning on adding any vices initially; I will just use clamps, bench dogs and the Veritas Wonder Dog for work holding. This should cover my bases for a little while and let me start some projects.

Then, I don't care what it is, but I am going to make something!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Silly articles in magazines

Browsing through the numerous woodworking magazines in my local Barnes and Noble, I saw the Fine Woodworking's "Tools and Shop" special edition. Being in a rush, I just grabbed it without looking too close as it had an article on how to build a nice hand tool cabinet. Silly me.

When I finally took the time to read the article, I discovered that the entire project was completed without the use of a single hand tool! It was as if they were saying, "Here's a place to store all those old tools that aren't worth using anymore." They could have built the cabinet to hold trophies, sports memorabilia or pretty much anything, but it was almost insulting to have it be a hand tool cabinet.

I'm trying to understand their reasoning, but all I can come up with is that they view hand tools as collectibles that are not actually meant to be used. Not sure how I feel about that, but "sad" comes to mind.

Happy New Year and Resolutions

Happy New Year to all my readers (one person in Germany)!! I stayed awake till midnight but that was about it; apparently I'm getting old.

So, here are my resolutions:
1. Get in shape (yeah, right);
2, Make my business viable (yeah, right);
3. Make Christmas presents for everyone (this one, I think I can do).

That's it. There isn't much to say about woodworking right now as we are visiting family, but I should have more tomorrow (I'm making drawers for my garage cabinets).